The word RADAR is belived to has been derived from the phrase RADIO DETECTION AND RANGING , short radio waves, like acoustic waves, are reflected by objects that come in their way. Onboard a ship the radar has two main tasks:
- To function as an aid to prevent collisions, as with the help of radar one can "see" in fog and darkness.
- To assist in the navigation, particulary at landfalls and when navigating in coaste waters.
RADAR SCAN: Is one complete 360 degrees rotation of antenna (during one scan normally several thousand sweeps are generated and trasmitted).
RADAR SWEEP: is the transmition of one radar pulse only.
- Antenna. Transmiter with magnetron modulator and trigger.
- Amplifier.
- Equalizer and video amplifier.
- Display unit.
- Power supply with power transformer.
Note: It is not necessary for the operator to know all the details about each radar component. A basic understanding of how a radar works, its capabilities and limitations is minimun requirement
Alineation (heding line)
Calibration (gain, tune, brill
Anticlutter (rain-sea)
EBL (Electronic Bering Line)
VMR(Variable Range Mark)
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